Thursday 14 September 2017

Applied learning analytics for modular content

(as of 18 October 2017 @ 1019am)

Applied learning analytics for modular content from Poh-Sun Goh

Applied learning analytics for modular content (updated) from Poh-Sun Goh

Applied learning analytics for modular content from Poh-Sun Goh

Applied learning analytics for modular content from Poh-Sun Goh

Applied learning analytics for e teachers from Poh-Sun Goh

above from

above from

"Effective learning, and deep learning require interest in a topic, a commitment to learning by our students, regular and systematic participation in an educational process and program, with active engagement with the educational content and the training process. Effective teaching requires awareness of the educational background and prior experience of our students, efforts to maintain and increase motivation in our students, careful and knowledgeable selection of instructional content, and use of interactive and active learning exercises, sequenced and built into a systematic and programmatic educational and training process. Educational technology can anchor and facilitate both effective learning and teaching."

above from
Goh PS. eLearning or technology enhanced learning in medical education - Hope, not hype. Med Teach. 2016 Sep; 38(9): 957-958, Epub 2016 Mar 16

"...combining an embedded online ‘‘graffiti wall’’ with a blog for use before, during and after the face to face session ..... .......  encourages students to actively and publicly engage with the learning material (on the blog), and also gives visibility of the teaching and educational process to students and their teachers."

above from
Goh, P.S., Sandars, J. An innovative approach to digitally flip the classroom by using an online "graffiti wall" with a blog. Medical Teacher.  2016 Aug;38(8):858. Epub 2016 Jul 14. 

"Technology enhanced learning or eLearning allows educators to expand access to educational content, promotes engagement with students and makes it easier for students to access educational material at a time, place and pace which suits them. The challenge for educators beginning their eLearning journey is to decide where to start, which includes the choice of an eLearning tool and platform. This article will share one educator's decision making process, and experience using blogs as a flexible and versatile integrated eLearning tool and platform. Apart from being a cost effective/free tool and platform, blogs offer the possibility of creating a hyperlinked indexed content repository, for both created and curated educational material; as well as a distribution and engagement tool and platform. Incorporating pedagogically sound activities and educational practices into a blog promote a structured templated teaching process, which can be reproduced. Moving from undergraduate to postgraduate training, educational blogs supported by a comprehensive online case-based repository offer the possibility of training beyond competency towards proficiency and expert level performance through a process of deliberate practice. By documenting educational content and the student engagement and learning process, as well as feedback and personal reflection of educational sessions, blogs can also form the basis for a teaching portfolio, and provide evidence and data of scholarly teaching and educational scholarship. Looking into the future, having a collection of readily accessible indexed hyperlinked teaching material offers the potential to do on the spot teaching with illustrative material called up onto smart surfaces, and displayed on holographic interfaces."

Above abstract from 
Goh PS. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9.
[2015 Nov 11:1-2. Epub ahead of print]

50 ideas for educators in 500 words or less (with selected posts below)

Understanding basic theory using a few illustrative examples. Mastering a topic by exposure to and experience with many examples
Goh Poh Sun (First draft June 4, 2015 @ 7pm)

Typical examples or real-life scenarios can be used to illustrate theory, and help students understand fundamental principles. Mastering a topic usually requires exposure to and experience with many examples, both typical and atypical, common to uncommon including subtle manifestations of a phenomenon. The traditional method of doing this is via a long apprenticeship, or many years of practice with feedback and experience. A digital collection of educational scenarios and cases can support and potentially shorten this educational and training process. Particularly if a systematic attempt is made to collect and curate a comprehensive collection of all possible educational scenarios and case-based examples, across the whole spectrum of professional practice. Online access to key elements, parts of and whole sections of these learning cases; used by students with guidance by instructors under a deliberate practice and mastery training framework, can potentially accelerate the educational process, and deepen learning.

Book chapter

"The objective of building up an online radiology case repository was to develop a collection of clinical cases which present the major and important diagnostic categories encountered in clinical practice, to allow residents in training the opportunity to be exposed to a wide variety of cases in each category, with a standardised and comprehensive exposure to cases representing the full clinical spectrum (from typical, to less typical, and atypical cases, and clinical examples with confounding features and multiple diagnoses) and to provide authentic radiology cases for exemplar teaching for postgraduates."

above from Case Study 16.5: An online hyperlinked radiology case repository to facilitate postgraduate training in diagnostic radiology, National University of Singapore, by Goh Poh Sun

Invited Case Study for Book Chapter (published July 2015)
Chapter 17 – New learning technologies can contribute to a successful educational program
John Sanders (including case studies by Gareth Frith, Goh Poh Sun, Natalie Lafferty)
In International Handbook of Medical Education: What Works
Editors – Khalid Bin Abdulrahman, Ronald M Harden, Stewart Mennin
Publisher - Routledge

Educational Papers (Slideshare)

"We feel that there are close parallels between the culinary arts and practices with the teaching and learning practices of medical educators. In this article we explore this culinary analogy as a means to help medical educators think about their educational practices and to develop their scholarship in medical education."

above from
Insights from the culinary arts and practices for medical educators
Poh Sun Goh and John Sandars (2016)

"Technology enhanced learning (TEL) offers the potential to personalise learning in medical education, through the continuum of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development or lifelong learning. TEL offers students access to educational materials, and personal choice by showing what is available (which allows a student to sample, explore, and consume educational content to match an individual’s learning preferences and requirements, at a time and place of the learner’s choosing). For educators, digital scholarship provides a method to publicly document teaching and educational activity, to facilitate evaluation of the quantity and quality of these educational activities; and allows peers to critique and build on educational initiatives." 

above from
Using a digital knowledge repository to personalise learning in medical education - a follow up report (to TeL 2013) Poh Sun Goh (2014)

"One of the greatest challenges facing medical educators, in both undergraduate and postgraduate education, is ensuring consistency of clinical experience. It could also be argued that clinical expertise is based on a foundation of clinical patient (case) experience - both the variety and range of cases, and depth of case experience. The challenge for curriculum planners is ensuring the availability of a wide enough range of cases to be linked to, and embody the undergraduate medical and postgraduate training curricula. Developing an online repository of these cases is an obvious solution to this educational challenge."

above from
Building an online repository of teaching resources to facilitate consistent and good quality teaching of postgraduates and undergraduates in medicine – a preliminary report
Poh Sun Goh (2013)

"In this Master Thesis, the topic to be investigated is a method to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of residency training in radiology in order to potentially shorten residency training while maintaining effectiveness, in order to increase the numbers of trained radiologists. The research question to be investigated is whether compare and contrast case review with pairs of cases is more time efficient and effective compared with traditional sequential case review with single cases in radiology problem solving." 

above from
Use of case pairs can potentially improve the efficiency and effectiveness of radiology residency
Poh Sun Goh (MHPE Thesis, 2012)

Everything I have learnt about eLearning from Poh-Sun Goh

3. Time on task

"It takes time to learn anything worthwhile. To accumulate knowledge and skills. To integrate this new learning, and be able to, and be confident applying this in the workplace, and real life settings.
This is the difference between undertaking a program of training, and formal courses, compared with short symposia and workshops, or an isolated lecture. Formal training programs gives students time, space, and a place to learn. On a regular basis. This promotes a cumulative increase in learning. Combining theoretical learning with practical case studies integrates basic principles with practice points, and promotes transfer of learning from the classroom to the real world. Online learning programs should include elements from traditional classroom practices which facilitate learning. This includes scheduled time to review the learning material, to work on applying what is learnt by working on assessments and assignments, individually and by learning collaboratively with peers; as well as provide opportunities for timely feedback from instructors."

above from
Goh, P.S. A series of reflections on eLearning, traditional and blended learning. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:19. Epub 2016 Oct 14.

Hence the questions which are often asked when inquiring about the background and training of a prospective employee/trainee:
-Educational and training background?
-With whom?
-Doing what? (curriculum)
-Know, know how, show how, does
-Tell me about...
-What do you think about...
-What would you do when...
-Show me...
-Demonstrate how you would...
-Let's see how this candidate...

11. The motivation of your learners, their interest/attention/engagement is key
-Why before How

"Effective learning, and deep learning require interest in a topic, a commitment to learning by our students, regular and systematic participation in an educational process and program, with active engagement with the educational content and the training process. Effective teaching requires awareness of the educational background and prior experience of our students, efforts to maintain and increase motivation in our students, careful and knowledgeable selection of instructional content, and use of interactive and active learning exercises, sequenced and built into a systematic and programmatic educational and training process. Educational technology can anchor and facilitate both effective learning and teaching."

above from
Goh PS. eLearning or technology enhanced learning in medical education - Hope, not hype. Med Teach. 2016 Sep; 38(9): 957-958, Epub 2016 Mar 16

above from

above from
Goh, P.S. Learning Analytics in Medical Education. MedEdPublish. 2017 Apr; 6(2), Paper No:5. Epub 2017 Apr 4.

"Requirements for Data Informed Personal, and Personalised eLearning and eTeaching

Privacy. Data Security. Responsible Access/Use. Awareness. Digital literacy. Thoughtful use. Confidence. Public networks and platforms + "Free" commercial/ad driven networks and platforms vs Private/Institutional Intranets and Learning Management Systems

What are some of the key requirements necessary to take full advantage of an eLearning/Technology enhanced learning platform and process?

How can we take advantage of the flexibility, low cost (often "free"), scale and reach of public networks and platforms (for example Instagram, WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook, Blogger, LinkedIn), and combine this with the greater privacy, rule based use and governance of private (password, dual-key, biometric secured) and institutional networks, which are still potentially vulnerable to potential data breeches, data misuse, hacking, and data loss/theft?

Do we respond by not participating? or restricted/limited participation? creating silos, both online, and some off-line? Not using digital formats? Going offline?

I believe one sensible, and safe approach is to combine, or blend the use of fully public, semi-private, and private digital platforms and approaches, some off-line, some online.

We can learn from our current cautious, and informed use of digital medical records by our healthcare systems; and translate strategies and approaches to the use of student and trainee records and data (learning and training logs, data streams and artefacts). We can also learn from financial practice and the finance industry, in their use of encryption and blockchain for example, at an institutional and system level."
above from

Google image search for "learning analytics"

An architecture for extending the learning analytics support in the Khan Academy framework

Learning Analytics and libraries from Talis


"The combination of data, databases and analytics will change virtually every aspect of society in the reminder of the twenty-first century ......  the use of data and advanced analytics can be seen as a benefit ... more timely diagnostics of medical conditions .... United Nations' HunchWorks program, which combines diverse data sets from social media, YouTUbe and Internet searches to detect crises in their very earliest stages. Companies can deliver better customer experiences and adjust products and even pricing using real-time feedback ....."
above quote from
Chapter 2 (Big data vs Analytics: ...) from book below

"There can only be a small amount of irony attached to the fact that about five minutes after I typed 'Top ten tips to protect your data' into Google, an advertisement with the title 'Protect your Mac' popped up in Facebook ... that's the quid pro quo of the 'free' Internet: a seemingly endless network of connectivity between the suppliers of goods and services and social media platforms ..."
above quote from
Chapter 2 (Big data vs Privacy) from book below


Analogies - Retail

Analogies - F & B

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