Thursday 30 January 2014

12th APMEC

Co-ordinating a continuous, longitudinal, and strong research thread for the 12th APMEC 2015 program.

Taking full advantage of the possibilities of pre-conference workshops/meetings; intra-conference plenary session(s)/symposia/presentations/meetings; and post conference workshops/meetings.

This research thread should not only cater to advanced educational scholars (post doc, Phd and Masters candidates and their supervisors/potential supervisors), support for and opportunities to guide and inspire budding educational scholars should also be provided (at several levels, medical student, resident, clinician, lecturer; both medical and allied health groups).

While recognising that the 12th APMEC is not a pure medical education research meeting (see example of the 3rd Rogano meeting below); and also recognising the time and logistical constraints; we will not be too restrictive in our initial thinking or discussions; but aim initially to plan a more ambitious program and agenda; with some "out of the box" ideas; before bringing this back for comments and feedback.


Pre-conference workshop

Plenary (Research in Medical Education)

Breakfast meeting

Main conference symposium (Med Ed Research) 90 min session

Professor Lambert Schuwirth
Title: One question: at least 6 different answers: and all correct (30 min)


Medical education research is one of the broader research domains. Not only is there a myriad of domains and topics to be explored, such as admissions/selections, assessment, curriculum development, educational change management, programme evaluation, learning environments, staff development, and many others, but also a large variety of scientific approaches can be adopted. In this presentation I will explore the same research question from different epistemological/ontological angles, from qualitative and quantitative perspectives and from a fundamental and justification study type to illustrate the choices research can and will have to make when designing their research.

Associate Professor Goh Poh Sun
Title: Practice based educational research through the lens of a clinician educator (30 min)


A clinician educator is faced with several challenges, but also many opportunities when considering which area of their educational practice to evaluate and investigate further. There are many research perspectives, educational practice questions, and research methods that could be chosen. I will present one clinician's educational journey, over the last 13 years, starting with small pilot projects, systematically presenting this at regional and international conferences for feedback, and iterative improvement; leading to an educational Masters program, and subsequently through refinement and deepening of understanding and insight into clinical and educational practice into a program of practice based research, focused on the use technology enhanced learning or (e)Learning to support deliberate practice for mastery training in clinical radiology, from undergraduate, through postgraduate to the lifelong learning continuum, using an indexed hyperlinked digital teaching case repository.

"Educational wall" with the theme "Cerebral infarcts and mimics" (website link on left, and screenshot below)

GOH Poh Sun
MBBS(Melb), FRCR(UK), FAMS(Singapore), MHPE(Maastricht) 
Associate Professor and Senior Consultant
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
National University Hospital 
National University Health System

Dr Goh is a clinician educator who currently devotes 80% of his time to clinical practice and postgraduate training; and 20% of time to educational research. This has been supplemented over the last three years by daily two to three hour early morning sessions focused on creating, curating and sharing (anonymised) case based educational teaching resources on a variety of digital and mobile learning platforms, from a digital repository currently containing over 5000 digital teaching and learning objects. 25/21/13: years of experience as a clinical radiologist/educator/technology enhanced learning practitioner.

"Passions - Technology enhanced learning, Education, Radiology. Technology as a tool, platform and enabler to support and augment face to face customised teaching and learning; with educational principles as the foundation; and radiology as my academic and clinical focus." (LinkedIn profile) (Education presentations and papers)

and / or

e-Symposium/Workshop - Basic and Advanced Techniques in Medical Educational Research

(completely online, open to 12th APMEC registrants only, with online discussions before/during/after the 12th APMEC; and most importantly, no requirement for physical space or a time slot) 

this "e-Symposium/workshop" is open to and integrated with MEU MHPE program/participants, Postgraduate Med Ed Diploma/MHPE Masters and PhD students.

Post-conference follow up program (MEU)

Linkage with MEU MHPE

Postgraduate students on Med Ed Masters programs

Trends and Evolution of thinking about Teaching at NUS

Teaching Track enhancements at NUS – Further enhancements have been made to recognise our educators at NUS. Examples include open contracts for Associate Professors and possible tenure for Professors on this track.


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